Friday Drawing Spell Oil


Friday Drawing Spell Oil

Intended for Positive Manifestations

For the last few months I’ve begun experimenting with dressed candles as a part of my workings. Essentially a dressed candle involves adhering crushed herbs to a spell candle to add a bit more power into your intentions. The “glue” that holds the herbs to the candle will typically be an oil of some kind, although I have used moon water to do the job, it just doesn’t have the same tackiness that an oil would.

Looking in my oil stash I noticed that I’m lacking a oil with generally positive vibes. I have a Death Oil intended to ease the ending of cycles, and a Punch Oil for eradicating negative influences. These energies were appropriate for me for 2020, but now I’m ready to bring in something new.

It is believed by some that Fridays are an especially good day for drawing positive influences into your life, particularly in the realms of love and money. I intended this oil to be utilized with such a general intention for two reasons. The first being that it takes a long time to go through even the tiniest amount of oil, so being able to use one oil more often will allow you to go through it before it possibly goes rancid. The second reason is because whether it be drawing love or money, what you’re essentially doing is putting the spell on yourself to be more optimistic and open to new things.



  • Clean mason jar. Usually I wash mine with soap and ring a bell over it to cleanse it as well. Any size will do, I used an 8oz jar here.

  • Grapeseed oil. You can use olive oil or jojoba if you like, I use grapeseed because it’s inexpensive.

  • Rose Buds for new beginnings and self love.

  • Rose Petals for more love energy.

  • Chamomile for tranquility.

  • Mugwort to see clearly.

  • St. John’s Wort for it’s healing properties and Sun energy.

  • Thyme for prosperity.

  • Rosemary to amp up the other herbs and for protection.

  • Cloves for abundance.



  • Dry all of your herbs. Using dried herbs will ensure the oil a longer shelf life.

  • Fill your jar one third of the way with herbs, one at a time. As you drop each herb in, visualize and/or vocalize your intention with the herb. This is important because any one herb can have many correspondences, so you must dictate to the herb what it’s purpose is.

  • Use your intuition here and have fun with it. You can add more of certain herbs or less of others if you want to have a more personalized feel. You can add different herbs of your choosing or negate my suggestions altogether if you wish.

  • Fill the jar to the brim with grapeseed oil and screw the lid on tightly, once again infusing the jar with your intentions as you turn the lid.

  • Gently rock the jar back and fourth until all the herbs are mixed, again keeping your intentions in mind.

  • Place your jar on your altar and surround with crystals of your choosing. I chose citrine and rose quartz for their positive attributes; citrine having a jovial manifestation aspect and rose quartz for loving energy, particularly self love. Other crystal suggestions would be green aventurine, bloodstone, amethyst, clear quartz, and pyrite.

  • Burn a chime candle on top of the lid in a corresponding color of your choosing. I chose a pastel green to symbolize both love and money. Adhere the candle to the jar by gently melting a few drops of wax from the bottom of the candle.

  • As the candle burns, visualize and/or vocalize your intentions into the oil. Chime candles can burn for up to two hours, so very often I do not sit and stare at the candle the entire time it’s burning. I will concisely state my intentions, focus on the flame for a few minutes, and release the energy. I leave the candle burning within sight until it snuffs itself out.

  • Spell oils in general should sit steeping like this for at least one moon cycle. This oil will be sitting for two moon cycles, so it is set to be harvested on March 28th, which is a full moon.

  • During it’s steeping period, it needs to be gently shaken everyday to ensure all the ingredients are being infused equally throughout. Be sure to shake as gently and lovingly as possible, gently turning the jar in all directions would be ideal.

  • I recommend consistent and regular energy imbuements by lighting a fresh chime candle on top of the jar every Friday and allowing the candle to burn down completely.

  • When you’re ready to harvest, all you have to do in open the jar and pour the contents into another jar, using a cheesecloth to catch the solid herbs.

That’s really all there is to it! After the oil is harvested you may then use it to dress candles or objects for your workings. It should be fresh at room temperature for a few months.

Blessed be <3


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